42.3456237, -71.1635418
The Meteorologist makes music by sensing the world around it.

A square dreams A sphere
Presentation of an instrument design workflow entirely based on libre and open source tools and methodologies

Audio + Movement to MIDI
Convert audio and movement to MIDI so you can control a digital instrument with any sound source including physical instruments or your voice.

Back to the Wild West - a Minecraft musical project
A mashup of Back to the Future 3 and various Western themes in Minecraft. Created for the Technology in Music Education course in the Music Studies program at UMass Lowell.

Participants play a simple game to collectively create music on real musical instruments over the internet. Players can join together on a video chat application to see and hear the band of acoustic, electric, and electronic instruments respond in real t…

Chameleon Instrument Lights
An arduino microcontroller analyzes the audio coming from an instrument (in terms of pitch and volume) and sends control signals to LEDs that are embedded in or around the instrument

Chicken Hero, Villager Hero, Cow Hero (2023 revision)
A recent revision that features robust data connections between Ableton Live and Minecraft. Two way communication is enabled between the two applications via the Mineflayer Javascript library.

Chicken Hero, Villager Hero, Cow Hero - a Minecraft musical project
Passive mobs trigger sounds in this immersive Minecraft performance.

Code + Chords
Code + Chords is a music visualization software developed by a team of Undergraduates from the Playful Learning Lab at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota. The software takes in an audio input and creates a visual output that can respond to the aud…

Conveyors and Filters - a Minecraft musical project
A piece composed in Minecraft using the Dark Utilities mod for version 1.16.4.

Data Connections Between Ableton Live and Minecraft
Two way data communication between Ableton Live and Minecraft using the Mineflayer Javascript library.

Ecosonic Playground Project
The EcoSonic Playground Project centers around children designing and building large-scale musical instruments using recycled materials found in their local communities and PVC pipe. Children follow a standards-based design curriculum that guides the mak…

Everything Ends Here - a Minecraft musical project
An arrangement of Alessandro Cortini's timbral masterpiece, Everything Ends Here for real-time Minecraft Performance

Fi's Farewell - a Minecraft musical project
A Minecraft arrangement of music from Legend of Zelda, Skyward Sword.
Gestural Electronic Music
I design electronic music instruments via Max patching, M4L devices and make use of a gametrak controller.

Groovecraft - a Minecraft musical project
A drum machine that uses Minecraft's Redstone Logic.

Hope/Fear is an installation that uses live-streamed data from twitter to play melodies on singing bowls dependant on the mood of the world. If the world is more fearful the melodies will descend, if it is more hopeful, the melodies ascend.

I am Walking in a Mine - a Minecraft musical project
A composition in Minecraft using different applications of Minecraft clocks, with an added flavor of minecarts.

We make music using diferents boards like Arduino, MakeyMakey, Lego, ...

a face controlled musical instrument that turns your head into a synthesizer

JackTrip & a metaverse
Hands-on workshop demonstration running a live music jam session via JackTrip while in a metaverse called Sinespace.

Jacktrip Tutorial and Jam: Make Music with Others
Begin on Zoom for live support and server instructions, then jump on a free Jacktrip server to play or sing in live music jam sessions.

Lavender Town - a Minecraft musical project
Music composed by Junichi Masuda A Minecraft performance inspired by Doodle Chaos of music from the Pokémon Red & Blue game. Created and performed by Tess McCumber.

Magic Music Box
Put your hands into the box, press the button to choose the mode, change the position of the hand to change the pitches, volume, and the aesthetics.

Makey Makey Typewriter Music Machine
This is an old typewriter modded to control midi in Ableton, using a Makey Makey board

MH/CH Gestural Interface Project
MH/CH are a pair of bespoke glove controllers constructed with Teensy microcontrollers and a variety of sensors designed specifically for gestural live electronics performance in higher-order ambisonics. This project includes documentation of their use …

Mine...Minecraft!!! - a Minecraft musical project
Luna created the music using Apple Loops in Garage Band. Twitch audience members controlled the Minecraft character via chat.

MiniMu Explorations
Experiments and developments based around the use of the mini-mu Microbit gestural control glove.

Motorbike - a Minecraft musical project
Stop motion animation and music in an immersive Minecraft world.

Musician is an UI add-on for the World of Warcraft MMORPG that implements music playing features into the game.

Nerve Sensors for Physically Accessible Instruments
Nerve sensors are new and exciting ways to get information on the body that doesn't depend on traditional muscle formation and use. Come see how they can be used in some rad new ways!

“Opaline” is a solo for vibraphone, live electronics and two snare drums.

A camera observes small stones placed in black sand. A dedicated CPU interprets the images and triggers audio and MIDI arrangements in response.

Perripplayear is a musical immersive comprovisation for N remotely comprovising musicians and any instrumentation in a virtual 3D world. Initially, it was meant to be presented during the Network Music Festival in July 2020. Since then, it was presented …

Pianogo - visual effects
A piano interface that shows lovely colours while playing. Created by a nice family.

Pillager Jam - a Minecraft musical project
Accompaniment created using Minecraft note block circuits, imported and manipulated using Logic Pro. Guitar performed in realtime.

Pink Bats or Something Like it - a Minecraft musical project
Based on a work for kalimba, guitar, and live electronics, gamelan samples are triggered and looped in this Minecraft performance.

Pink Bats... or Something Like it (2023 Revision)
A recent revision that features robust data connections between Ableton Live and Minecraft. Two way communication is enabled between the two applications via the Mineflayer Javascript library.

Pringles MIDI Drums
This project turns Pringles cans into MIDI controllers by using piezo sensors to send MIDI data from an Arduino MKRZero to trigger sounds in Sonic Pi. I added the LEDs for some extra visual effect.

RGB Matrix Audio Visualizer with Arduino
In this project I built an RGB LED matrix audio visualizer, using an Arduino, an RGB LED Matrix Shield, and an Audio Spectrum Analyzer Shield, then put it in an enclosure so that you can have a finished project that you can display by your music system t…

LiveCoding performance by ChucK. Using OSC from ChucK streams data and captures the screen through OBS, and finally designs live visuals in TouchDesigner.

Scatter is a series of 4-meter-tall rotating sound sculptures created by a team of artists and creative technologists at Griffith university in Australia. These immense solar-powered structures scatter sound in all directions via the speakers attached to…

Shiny Night
This live performance is titled “Shiny Night” which plays off of “Starry Night”, my original muse for creating this piece.

Live performance with a custom electronic instrument. Somewhere in a field south of San Francisco.

Sonic Pi DrumRNN GUI
This project uses a Machine Learning model to generate extensions of a drum pattern. The patterns can be created in the Grid interface and are then sent into Sonic Pi. The changes in drum patterns can be changed and updated in real time to be used as par…

Star Wars themed Minecraft Experience
Some music and imagery from Star Wars in an immersive Minecraft world.

Tweakable is an alternative and fun way to make music in your browser.

UltraFree: Soup Quartet + live AI streaming BOT
Neither improvisation, nor rock, nor jazz, nor electronic music, nor amplified music but a bit of all that with a lot of Free. Free as free. UltraFree evenings adapt to many genres and instrumentation while keeping this spirit of freedom that we are look…

Unreal live music visualizer
I made a system that creates virtual objects based on midi/OSC signals. These objects can be anything from particles to videogame elements. The possibilities are endless.

Until We Meet Again — Music <> Code <> Poetry
Ambient electronic music. Mostly created by live coding with Sonic Pi.

What if I Want to Go Gently?" and "Horrorwave"
"Horrorwave" and "What if I Want to Go Gently?" both incorporate a modified CRT TV screen. Cathode-ray tube televisions operate by firing electrons from the tube onto the screen to produce an image. With a bit of knowledge (and very important safety meas…