A square dreams A sphere
Presentation of an instrument design workflow entirely based on libre and open source tools and methodologies

By describing the design process behind the instruments mentioned above, I will show to the audience of the festival a vast range of useful and reliable open source software and tools that are virtually accessible by anyone for free free, such as FreeCAD and KiCAd and Inkscape.
“A square dreams A sphere” is an initiative that takes name from the book “Flatland” by Edwin Abbott.; the story of “A square” that tries to convince his bi-dimensional society about the existence of a third dimension.
The research work presented it's currently part of my research fellow program at CSC Padova (http://csc.dei.unipd.it/)
Frequently Asked Questions
What inspired you to do this?
The fact that open source CAD software it's extremely performative but not diffused as it should among the creative community
How long did it take to make it?
To develop an efficient workflow took about 5 years of research experimentation in the design field
How long have you been doing things like this?
I "officially" started this initiative in 2015, and the projects shown in the presentation where made in the last two years
How much did this cost to do?
Except for the time invested (which is very difficult to quantify), the tools I used are 100% free and open source.
However I invite everyone to donate what they can to support the development of the applications illustrated.
However I invite everyone to donate what they can to support the development of the applications illustrated.
Have you done other things like this?
Yes, every project I develop it's developed through the workflow explained.
What did you wish you knew before you started this?
I simply wish there was more knowledge about the availability of open source software (which is basically why I'm doing this)
Are there plans available to make this? Do you sell this?
Code and electronics of the projects shown are available on my github page (https://github.com/chihauccisoilconte) and it is also possible to get an instrument through an Etsy shop that I made to facilitate commissions management (https://www.etsy.com/shop/CHUICmusicinterfaces?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=921997360)
What’s next?
I'll keep developing my design skills with open source applications by making instruments and interfaces, as well as keep spreading the workflow I constantly update.
The open source tools I use are the following:
- https://freecadweb.org/
- https://kicad.org/
- https://inkscape.org/
- https://www.arduino.cc/en/software
- https://freecadweb.org/
- https://kicad.org/
- https://inkscape.org/
- https://www.arduino.cc/en/software
Nicolo Merendino AKA "Chi ha uccils Il Conte?"
: Industrial/interaction Designer and researcher

Nicolò Merendino aka "Chi ha ucciso Il Conte?" is a Venice (IT) based industrial/interaction designer specialized in the development of electronic musical instruments and hardware for media arts pieces.
Nicolò is an expert in digital fabrication and he strictly use free (libre) and open source tools and methodologies to carry on his practice.
"Chi ha ucciso Il Conte? worked with many artists, companies and foundations from all over the world. He also currently works as research fellow at CSC (center for computational sonology) in Padua.
Nicolò is an expert in digital fabrication and he strictly use free (libre) and open source tools and methodologies to carry on his practice.
"Chi ha ucciso Il Conte? worked with many artists, companies and foundations from all over the world. He also currently works as research fellow at CSC (center for computational sonology) in Padua.
Connect with Nicolo Merendino AKA "Chi ha uccils Il Conte?"
How I can help you:
By sharing the workflow described in the description I can provide Artists/Instrument Makers with very useful information about how to include very performative and cost efficient design tools in their practices.
By sharing the workflow described in the description I can provide Artists/Instrument Makers with very useful information about how to include very performative and cost efficient design tools in their practices.
How you can help me:
By presenting "Asquare dreams Asphere" I expect to expand my network of collaborations and collect interesting and constructive feedback from skilled instruments makers.
By presenting "Asquare dreams Asphere" I expect to expand my network of collaborations and collect interesting and constructive feedback from skilled instruments makers.