Jacktrip Tutorial and Jam: Make Music with Others
Begin on Zoom for live support and server instructions, then jump on a free Jacktrip server to play or sing in live music jam sessions.

| Follow Instructions | Install Software | Ethernet Only | Use Headphones |
Jacktrip is an open source, audio only, software program written by Chris Chafe and Juan-Pablo Caceres, that sends and receives low latency, uncompressed audio over the Internet. It was originally created as a research tool, but quickly became popular in the academic community, as well as in the private sector, supported by a large number of users and volunteer developers. Over the past pandemic year, Jacktrip has undergone a rapid development phase and widespread expansion as an increasing number of people all over the world have adopted it to continue singing and playing together from geographically separate locations.
At the Maker Music Festival, attendees who have installed the software noted below, or who have a Jacktrip Virtual Studio or Raspberry Pi device, can join a Zoom meeting to receive live support and instructions for joining a free Jacktrip server to play or sing live with others. The focus will be on basic connection and operation.
There will be two sessions each day, one for Windows 10 users at 10am on Saturday, and 11am on Sunday, and one for OSX 10.13+ users at 2pm. Linux users are welcome but no download links or tutorials will be given. Note that different operating systems and devices can connect at the same time with Jacktrip, but the settings for Win and Mac differ somewhat, so those users are scheduled into separate tutorial sessions.
BEFORE arriving to the session, all participants must download and install the appropriate software, or have a Virtual Studio or Raspberry Pi device in order to connect to the server. Server info with be shared in the Zoom tutorial session.
System Requirements:
1. Download and Installation of JACK2, Jacktrip, and/or QJacktrip software BEFORE the session
2. 64-bit computer running Windows10, OSX 10.13+, or Linux, or Virtual Studio or Raspberry Pi Jacktrip device
3. Wired ethernet internet service (NO WIFI)
4. USB interface or system audio connected to mics and instruments
5. Headphones or earbuds
Disclaimer: Although the files linked below were sourced from reliable links, by installing the software from these links, you are solely responsible for the adequate protection and backup of any data and equipment used in connection with any of the software linked below, and we will not be liable for any damages that you may suffer connection with downloading, installing, using, or modifying such software.
For Windows 10 Users at 10AM on Saturday, and 11AM on Sunday:
BEFORE the session, download and install JACK2, Jacktrip and/or QJacktrip for Win10 in the following order:
1. For external USB audio devices, check the manufacturer's website for an ASIO driver for your device.
If there is no dedicated ASIO driver for your device, download and install ASIO4ALL.
2. JACK2 1.9.18 for Windows10 - 64-bit (direct download, double-click file and follow prompts)
3. Jacktrip 1.3.0 for Windows10
(standalone file, direct download, double-click file)
4. Qjacktrip for Windows 10
For OSX 10.13+ at 2PM:
BEFORE the session, download and install JACK2, Jacktrip and/or QJacktrip for OSX 10.13+, in the following order:
1. Jack2 1.9.18 for OSX 10.13+
2. Jacktrip 1.3.0 for OSX 10.13+
3. Qjacktrip for OSX 10.13+
ZOOM MEETING SCHEDULE & INFORMATION (valid only on festival days):
Windows 10: Saturday at 10AM; Sunday at 11AM:
Zoom Meeting ID: 890 7796 5815 - Passcode: 045184
OSX 10.13+: 2PM both days: Zoom Meeting ID: 847 3745 4262 - Passcode: 362969
Additional Resources:
Win10 Video Tutorial by Synthia Payne:
OSX Video Tutorial by Jan Stoltenberg:
CCRMA Jacktrip: https://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/jacktrip/
Github Jacktrip: https://github.com/jacktrip/jacktrip
Jacktrip Foundation: help.Jacktrip.org
JACK Audio: https://jackaudio.org/faq/
Mike O'Connor's Blog: https://www.haven2.com/?s=jacktrip
Synthia Payne
: Jacktripper

Making music is what and why. The constant always.
Connect with Synthia Payne
How I can help you:
Offering free Jacktrip open servers and live support via Zoom.
Offering free Jacktrip open servers and live support via Zoom.
How you can help me:
Before the session, download and install the software. Use wired ethernet connection, and not WIFI. Use headphones or earbuds. Follow instructions, and do not rush. Pay attention to small details. External audio interfaces are preferred. Before connecting turn down volume.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/synthiapayne
Before the session, download and install the software. Use wired ethernet connection, and not WIFI. Use headphones or earbuds. Follow instructions, and do not rush. Pay attention to small details. External audio interfaces are preferred. Before connecting turn down volume.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/synthiapayne
If you like this project, please make a small donation to the artist.