After poking through the circuit board of a Poo-Chi robot dog toy, a new instrument commission, exploring for any interesting circuit bent audio sounds and finding none, I began poking around the circuit with my modular synth, trying to find interesting places that may take CV control. I found several motor control points that responded to gates and oscillations, causing the motor to spit, sputter, whine and cavort.
I pulled a coil from an old modem, wired it up to a mini-jack (creating a RF pickup), and attached it to the motor to extract the EMF emissions, and discovered beautiful, strange alien servo-motor sounds that could be triggered and sequenced. I added additional optical and potentiometer control to the circuit for added flavorful noise manipulation.
I was especially excited about this gadget as I’d never seen another instrument, circuit bent or otherwise, that utilized RF exclusively as the output source.
I mounted the separated head and body in a sloped enclosure, engineered the motor assembly to attach to the body to retain disturbing inverted leg-wiggling, laid out the controls in an aesthetic manner, and uni-Poo became a full-fledged instrument.