How I can help you:
This project allowed me to implement a MIDI interface between the world of automation and the world of music. If needed, I can share on this topic.
How you can help me:
I encounter slight lag problem when too much informations is received by the Arduino. I ask if the Arduino should not be replaced by a Raspberry PI. If anyone has any experience I will be happy to share.
Jean-Marie_Ollivier : Hi Darren,thanks for your message, I didn't know Medico Recorder. I went to see it and itseems very interesting. I will certainly need the "MIBO" card, themovements of my robot are pneumatic and the distributors consume about 200mA. Ihave another possibility which is to remove the PLC which is used as aninterface between the arduino and the cylinders but which is finally not veryuseful and which causes latency. I see that we are working on the same subjectsand that we are both as passionate about this idea of making music with robots:-)
TotemRecall : Hi Jean-Marie, I use the Mideco midi decoder card from midi-hardware to control my TotemRecall robots and never have any problems, it might be worth having a look ?Regards Darren
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