Xenith Handpans
The Xenith: a high-quality handpan for an introductory price.

The Xenith embodies everything that is special about these instruments; sustain, harmonics, and bloom captured in the most classic scales and crafted into a playable and portable medium-sized handpan.
Side story Finding success and staying inspired in 2020 was a herculean task. Massive economic shifts, a worldwide pandemic, social lockdowns, international travel restrictions, and personal isolation are just a few of the incredible challenges that we all faced -- and are still facing. In early 2020, I was set to move my workshops and was in the later stages of developing the RADIX. It was already set to be a year of massive personal and professional transitions and then COVID hit. As all that transpired, an idea from years ago began to resurface.
What do you do when you have an idea that you think could drastically improve upon current production methods? What do you do when you develop a process that renders your previous processes obsolete? These are the questions I asked myself in 2015 when I was developing my hydroforming process. The answer to those questions was to pursue and develop the idea and then fully adopt and integrate it. I still get questioned why I abandoned my previous method of hand sinking shells. While that was a viable process that created high-quality instruments, it was unsustainable and hydroforming made it obsolete.
A new idea raised those same questions again in 2016. The answer to those questions was to again pursue and develop the idea. Unfortunately, this time it didn't get through the development stage. Major roadblocks were hit, and the idea was put on the back burner and eventually abandoned. While it was set aside, I held onto the initial research and data that was gathered.
This idea resurfaced again in late 2019. Technology had changed and what was thought impossible was suddenly very possible. I brushed off my idea from 2016 and pursued and developed it across 2020. As of now, I have fully adopted and integrated it. And what about previous methods and processes? Similar to the shift from me handsinking shells, for me, my hydroforming process is now obsolete.
Xeno: Different in origin
Zenith: The point in the sky or celestial sphere directly above an observer
Xeno + Zenith = Xenith
The Xenith is a high-quality instrument for an introductory price. The Xenith is the result of years of work, listening to the community's feedback, and in response to the growing market of high-priced, low-quality handpans. The Xenith is also an invitation to those who have been unable to join the handpan community due to the high-priced nature of high-quality instruments.
The Xenith embodies everything that is special about these instruments; sustain, harmonics, and bloom captured in the most classic scales and crafted into a playable and portable medium-sized handpan.
What do you do when you have an idea that you think could drastically improve upon current production methods? What do you do when you develop a process that renders your previous processes obsolete? These are the questions I asked myself in 2015 when I was developing my hydroforming process. The answer to those questions was to pursue and develop the idea and then fully adopt and integrate it. I still get questioned why I abandoned my previous method of hand sinking shells. While that was a viable process that created high-quality instruments, it was unsustainable and hydroforming made it obsolete.
A new idea raised those same questions again in 2016. The answer to those questions was to again pursue and develop the idea. Unfortunately, this time it didn't get through the development stage. Major roadblocks were hit, and the idea was put on the back burner and eventually abandoned. While it was set aside, I held onto the initial research and data that was gathered.
This idea resurfaced again in late 2019. Technology had changed and what was thought impossible was suddenly very possible. I brushed off my idea from 2016 and pursued and developed it across 2020. As of now, I have fully adopted and integrated it. And what about previous methods and processes? Similar to the shift from me handsinking shells, for me, my hydroforming process is now obsolete.
Xeno: Different in origin
Zenith: The point in the sky or celestial sphere directly above an observer
Xeno + Zenith = Xenith
The Xenith is a high-quality instrument for an introductory price. The Xenith is the result of years of work, listening to the community's feedback, and in response to the growing market of high-priced, low-quality handpans. The Xenith is also an invitation to those who have been unable to join the handpan community due to the high-priced nature of high-quality instruments.
The Xenith embodies everything that is special about these instruments; sustain, harmonics, and bloom captured in the most classic scales and crafted into a playable and portable medium-sized handpan.
Frequently Asked Questions
What inspired you to do this?
I've been inspired by handpans since 2007. I became very interested in how they work and how they are tuned in 2012 and have been pursuing that work every since. I have been in production of handpans since 2014.
How long did it take to make it?
Specifically, the Xenith concept started in 2016. I spent a year trying to develop it but was unsuccessful. I started the pursuit again in 2019 and spent 2020 successfully developing a new and unique production process and the resulting instrument, the Xenith.
How long have you been doing things like this?
Playing handpans since 2007, making them since 2013.
Have you done other things like this?
The Xenith is the fourth brand of handpans that I have produced since 2014. You can learn more about previous brandes here:
Are there plans available to make this? Do you sell this?
In 2016 I open-sourced my previous method of hydroforming. You can learn all about that here:
In 2018 and 2019 I abandoned all my tools, picked 3 hammers, and made a handpan, 100% by hand. I documented the torment for the community’s enjoyment. Much to my surprise, many have used these videos as introductory handpan making lessons.
In 2018 and 2019 I abandoned all my tools, picked 3 hammers, and made a handpan, 100% by hand. I documented the torment for the community’s enjoyment. Much to my surprise, many have used these videos as introductory handpan making lessons.
What’s next?
With Xenith technology, the sky is the limit for handpans! New materials for our industry is one of the current very exciting areas of exploration.
Colin Foulke
: Handpan Maker/Tuner/Musician

Colin Foulke has been playing handpans since 2009 and manufacturing them since 2013. He first discovered them online and knew immediately that he had found his path. What he didn't know at the time was how far that path would take him; international performances and workshops, open-sourcing new production methods, instructional DVD's, and a brand that is synonyms with quality.
Colin isn’t just a handpan nerd; he’s a nerd’s nerd. He’s a scale geek, can talk handpan history, designs sound models using math and loves a good spreadsheet.
Colin is a founding member and the official spokesperson for Handpan Community United, an international non-profit organization with one main focus: To safeguard and protect the growing international handpan community through the commitment to preserve the playing, fabrication, availability, and the further development of the handpan musical instrument.
Colin isn’t just a handpan nerd; he’s a nerd’s nerd. He’s a scale geek, can talk handpan history, designs sound models using math and loves a good spreadsheet.
Colin is a founding member and the official spokesperson for Handpan Community United, an international non-profit organization with one main focus: To safeguard and protect the growing international handpan community through the commitment to preserve the playing, fabrication, availability, and the further development of the handpan musical instrument.
Connect with Colin Foulke
How I can help you:
I offer a high-quality instrument at a very competitive price. I hope this helps people get an instrument that will meet or exceed their expectations for the same price, or less, than the low-quality instruments that are readily available online.
I offer a high-quality instrument at a very competitive price. I hope this helps people get an instrument that will meet or exceed their expectations for the same price, or less, than the low-quality instruments that are readily available online.
How you can help me:
You can:
- Order a Xenith!
- Follow me on my social media platforms
- Share my work with others via social media!
- Sign up to receive email updates (I occasionally give instruments away, run silent auctions, and organize fun competitions)
You can:
- Order a Xenith!
- Follow me on my social media platforms
- Share my work with others via social media!
- Sign up to receive email updates (I occasionally give instruments away, run silent auctions, and organize fun competitions)
If you like this project, please make a small donation to the artist.