This modular musical instrument is composed of six percussive tubes. Each one of them is motorized, amplified and connected to a sensor, so they can play music depending on the interaction with the public. For now, Tubes is an installation piece but due to its modular nature could easily be intergrated into live music shows or teamed with other instalations.

I tried to link this organic concept to how the audience interacts with Tubes. Sensors are hidden on it so that people can trigger tubes without realising it. Then Tubes will react by playing one note which is repeated a few times. This feedback loop is a metaphor of the memory of an organic system. If other people enter the room, the sensors will be triggered each time, meaning that there are sounds being made for each new audience member. The resulting sound is organic and will change with the number of new people entering or leaving the space Tubes is in.
Alexandre Berthaud
: Artist and Musician

I started mixing art and music as a child when I made my own drum from scratch. When I got to university I discovered how to program music with pure data. This opened the door to a more unconventional way of making music. I quickly realised that I needed to materialise the data to go beyond the screen computer and make this music real.
It was from this desire that I began to experiment with electronics not usually associated with music creation like infrared sensors and motors. This led me to create my own instruments and my own sounds. During this time, I also founded the artist collective "Mille au carré". My goal with this was to bring different artists and musicians together and encourage a mixing of disciplines through digital technology. I since work with several artists on projects that are not necessary sound, with the aim of deconstructing things in a transversal way.
It was from this desire that I began to experiment with electronics not usually associated with music creation like infrared sensors and motors. This led me to create my own instruments and my own sounds. During this time, I also founded the artist collective "Mille au carré". My goal with this was to bring different artists and musicians together and encourage a mixing of disciplines through digital technology. I since work with several artists on projects that are not necessary sound, with the aim of deconstructing things in a transversal way.
Connect with Alexandre Berthaud