Pyera is an interactive acoustic installation, inspired by savoyard "tapets".

Pyera is inspired by savoyard "tapets", which are slates hung on fruit trees and on which a pebble taps randomly as the wind whirls. Participants play the instrument by making contact with two pieces of native copper minerals, and though skin-to-skin touch between themselves. The slates are like people from Savoy, stubborn but lovely. The musique runs from simple melodies to unrestrained breakbeat rythms and is inspired by the random performance of traditional "tapets" when nobody plays.
This creation is fit for all publics, from 1 to 80 participants. It is an invitation to create together, to unpretentious enjoyable moments.
: musician

musician, piano teacher, human.
I'm a music teacher and like to explore : music, visual, dance... I'm using my works with my students.
I'm working with several artists, sometimes for tv too.
Serendipity and instinct are at the hearts of my work.
I'm a music teacher and like to explore : music, visual, dance... I'm using my works with my students.
I'm working with several artists, sometimes for tv too.
Serendipity and instinct are at the hearts of my work.
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