Knoxville Mutant Toy Parade
Make Music Day 2021: We held workshops to assemble circuit-bent toys based on Laureano Cantarutti's design. We taught people new to soldering, electronics, and circuit-bending how to circuit-bend. Then, on December 21st, we had the Knoxville, TN Mutant Toy Parade as part of a winter solstice celebration!

All of our workshop participants received a free basic electronics kit worth over $100 each, and this included soldering irons, nice wire strippers, and more.
This led up to our parade day.
James Broyles
: Maker

I am big into music and making. One of favorite things to do is make musical instruments, maybe my all-time favorite thing to make. I love to make musical instruments because I believe that music will heal the world. I have been involved in the Maker Movement since 2012 at my makerspace Knox Makers. My influences are Nikola Tesla, Aphex Twin, and the community at Knox Makers.
Connect with James Broyles
How I can help you:
We offer workshops and learning opportunities at Knox Makers, and have shared tools to allow others to engage in projects with others. We are a learn-by-proxy, kinesthetic learning, rhizomatic learning community that focuses on learning through making and peer-based learning.
We offer workshops and learning opportunities at Knox Makers, and have shared tools to allow others to engage in projects with others. We are a learn-by-proxy, kinesthetic learning, rhizomatic learning community that focuses on learning through making and peer-based learning.
How you can help me:
Consider joining our membership at or donating to our nonprofit at - we also offer free Tuesday night show and share that breaks off into an open hack night, similar to an open house but visitors are encouraged to work on projects using our tools and community members.
Consider joining our membership at or donating to our nonprofit at - we also offer free Tuesday night show and share that breaks off into an open hack night, similar to an open house but visitors are encouraged to work on projects using our tools and community members.
If you like this project, please make a small donation to the artist.