Marbles of Misfortune
A playful machine that uses the random nature of physics to trigger musical events.

There are 3 separate tracks, each with an independently clocked solenoid at the bottom, which strikes the marbles and causes them to jump chaotically.
At the top of each track is a trigger mechanism, which when struck by a marble sends a pulse to an output jack, as well as an internal 4-step sequencer which is also connected to an output jack(1 sequencer per track).
On the front panel are "knobs" for setting the step-values of each sequencer, as well as LED's to indicate the current step.
On the left side, are knobs for controlling the clock-speed triggering each solenoid.
On the back panel (out of site in this video) are trigger and CV output jacks for each track/ sequencer, as well as external clock inputs for each track's solenoid. There is also an output jack for an internal contact mic.
Moon Armada
: Maker
I am a circuit-bender and DIY synthesist, focused on irreverent and experimental sound toys.
Connect with Moon Armada