Lavanda 8
Lavanda 8 is a diy synthesizer with 8 touch controlled oscillators designed for music improvisation.

Side story Lavanda 8 is part of a diy instruments custom designed for experimental music improvisation.It merges some previous modules I built, like volt controlled velocity delay,volt controlled low pass filter and short/long AD envelopes,plus capacitive touch controls.There are 8 square wave tunnable oscillators capable of polyphony and interesting combinations of long decaying and short envelopes and one of them may be set to produce random notes. A central clock synchronizes everything but many surprising sounds are created out out synch. There is a simpler version, Lavanda 5 with 5 oscillators and simpler delay but otherwise the same instrument.
Marcelo Kraiser
: Visual and Sound Artist,Maker

Visual artist, photographer, teacher, illustrator, composer, visual artist, poet, inventor of sound and visual instruments, performer.
Retired Professor at the Federal School of Fine Arts- UFMG, in drawing and photography and post graduation. PhD in Comparative Literature at FALE/UFMG with a thesis on the thought of Deleuze and Guattari and the literature of brasilian writer Clarice Lispector. Plastic artist, poet, illustrator, and videomaker. He has held 11 individual exhibitions and participated in more than 40 collective exhibitions in the visual arts. He composes soundtracks for performances and dancers and dance companys.Member of Kallp group for experimental music. Born in Brazil,1952.
Retired Professor at the Federal School of Fine Arts- UFMG, in drawing and photography and post graduation. PhD in Comparative Literature at FALE/UFMG with a thesis on the thought of Deleuze and Guattari and the literature of brasilian writer Clarice Lispector. Plastic artist, poet, illustrator, and videomaker. He has held 11 individual exhibitions and participated in more than 40 collective exhibitions in the visual arts. He composes soundtracks for performances and dancers and dance companys.Member of Kallp group for experimental music. Born in Brazil,1952.
Connect with Marcelo Kraiser
How you can help me:
Visit my Instagram to watch Lavanda 8 in action and other diy electronic and electroacoustic instruments.
Visit my Instagram to watch Lavanda 8 in action and other diy electronic and electroacoustic instruments.