Extended Psalter
This proposal is about a musical performance by Claudio Merlet, which presents the final result of the author's investigation and technical-musical developmental process aimed at the creation of an electronic interface, one that—through digital programming, DC motors and its own mechanism to attach itself to an original acoustic string instrument—allows for unnoticed aesthetic and theoretical possibilities. This is a musical proposal that lives in the limit between the academic and the experimental, between the elitist and the underground, between science and art, between human and machine.

Claudio Merlet
: Composer

Claudio Merlet is a experimental luthier and composer who includes diverse tendencies conceived from the new technologies available, and integrates the fields of science, art and tradition into the execution of a new conception of the sonorous expression, and cognitive processes related to the sound phenomenon. Has given concerts, speeches and workshops in various festivals and showcases in all Latin America and Europe like Matera Intermedia (IT), In-Sonora (ES), Radical db (ES), EviMus (DE), Festival Internacional de Música Experimental (BR), Rumor Arte Sonora (BR), Entre Lugares Sonoros (BR), Sonoteca (PE), International Computer Music Conference (ICMA), Festival Sur Aural (BO), Festival Internacional de Música Contemporánea Darwin Vargas (CL), Ai-Maako (CL), Voltajes Aleatorios (CL), Pow Wow (CL),. His musical work has been published in Chile and abroad, specially his compositions for theater cinema and documentary. His work is focused on composition in environments of modular synthesis, programming, sound installations, and the use of his own experimental instruments.
Connect with Claudio Merlet
How I can help you:
Electroacoustic composition for audiovisual works, experimental lutherie.
Electroacoustic composition for audiovisual works, experimental lutherie.
How you can help me:
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