La Pirámide
"La Pirámide" is a custom made instrument we did in 2020. It is based on three other standalone instruments we use to make, but in the same box. The client ask for a trinagle box remiting to the mountains were he live, an after some thinking we end up with a piramidal box.

This one is a special custom made instrument, combinig three standar designs of us (bass.drone.machine, noise.machine and microscopio de sonido) in a custom made pyramidal case. It toke three weeks to be done and tested.
Frequently Asked Questions
What inspired you to do this?
It was a client request. Usually they are very inspiring, different aproachs and points of view of the same resources are quite inspiring.
How long did it take to make it?
It toke 1 month between developing and building, and 2 weeks of hard testing and debuggin.
How long have you been doing things like this?
We have been doing this kind of stuff for 7 years now, but in the begining there were so much simpler things. This is kind of stuff is the most complex thing we ever made.
How much did this cost to do?
About 150 dolars.
Have you done other things like this?
After that particular request we have done another 3 or 4 similar instruments, also by request.
Are there plans available to make this? Do you sell this?
Yes, we do build to sell. We love to hear every customer needs and develop an instrument to fit them. You can find everything you need to know in our website ( and in our facebook and instagram profiles.
What’s next?
We keep improving and developing new versions of this kind of instruments. Right now we just learn how to implement a built in delay so i guess every new instrument will have that :)
Nicholas Collins "Handmade electronic music" book, blog's "Logic Noise" series, "Synth DIY for non engineers" facebook group, Modwiggler forum and many nice people who share they knowledge over the web.
: Maker

We are a couple, Cristina is the sound artist and Ricardo is the electronic music producer. We build our own electronic instruments and play live almost-improvised full-experimental sessions with it for 7 years now.
Connect with DLP_electronics
How I can help you:
Our goal is to find nice and easy configurations for multipropouse, limited and creative, non-conventional electronic musical instruments.
Our first motivation for designing instruments is our own personal setup, but then some designs become standar models we build to sell. We are also open for customers needs so we also build custom made instruments.
Our goal is to find nice and easy configurations for multipropouse, limited and creative, non-conventional electronic musical instruments.
Our first motivation for designing instruments is our own personal setup, but then some designs become standar models we build to sell. We are also open for customers needs so we also build custom made instruments.
How you can help me:
Follow, share, like and buy some stuff.
Follow, share, like and buy some stuff.