Circuit Bending Brazil
Circuit Bending Brazil Music Casio Sk-8
Instruments DIY
criation by Raphaela Elpidio
Instruments DIY
criation by Raphaela Elpidio

Instruments DIY
criation by Raphaela Elpidio.
Raphaela Elpidio is the only Brazilian woman who makes circuit bending art and DIY instruments in Brazil. This song is made with instruments made by me
Side story Em 2010, conheci o movimento circuit bending por acaso através de vídeos na internet enquanto assistia o vídeo Música de Brinquedo da banda Pato Fu e havia sugestões de vídeo sobre circuit bending ao lado. Achei interessante e comecei a pesquisar sobre o assunto e a fazer meus primeiros instrumentos modificados. Na mesma época, achei para vender na internet o livro: Circuit Bending, Build Your Own Alien Instruments – Reed Ghazala. Tempo depois, percebi que não existia páginas e blogs em português sobre Circuit Bending no Brasil. Surgiu a ideia da página no facebook Circuit Bending Brazil, já existia as páginas Circuit Bending Italia, Circuit Bending Argentina, porém ninguém havia feito até então uma página sobre circuit bending no Brasil. Depois mudei meu canal pessoal no Youtube para Raphaela Elpidio – Circuit Bending Brazil onde posto vídeos de funcionamento de cada instrumento que construo em casa.
Frequently Asked Questions
What inspired you to do this?
Léon theremin history; Jean Michel Jarre music;
How long did it take to make it?
research on circuit bending and DIY instruments is 11 years old. The circuit bending music I started doing in 2020.
How long have you been doing things like this?
2010 - 2021.
How much did this cost to do?
time, study, research and some money to buy materials.
Have you done other things like this?
participated in the Latin American sound map of Circuit Bending in 2020.
What did you wish you knew before you started this?
I did not understand the question.
Are there plans available to make this? Do you sell this?
I would like to make sales instruments too. I only receive occasional orders. However, in Brazil it is more difficult to obtain resources, sponsorship to develop projects. contact for information: Facebook Circuit Bending Brazil.
What’s next?
I intend to produce more songs with my instruments. And spread my art more.
I count only with the help of friends to promote my channel on youtube in lives.
Raphaela Elpidio
: criador

Raphaela Elpidio: artista circuit bending, unica mulher no Brazil que constrói seus próprios instrumentos musicais DIY e circuit bending.
Connect with Raphaela Elpidio
How I can help you:
helping people make their own circuit bending instruments.
helping people make their own circuit bending instruments.
How you can help me:
Subscribe to my youtube channel Raphaela Elpidio - Circuit Bending Brazil. Please
Subscribe to my youtube channel Raphaela Elpidio - Circuit Bending Brazil. Please