A mono self-oscillating synthesizer built from a novelty metal box. It has no keys, but is played with switches and knobs.

Side story After building this and recording some videos of performances, I decided to integrate the sounds into my music workflow. It generates low fidelity distorted pulses and sweeps that work well with drum sequences. I ended up releasing a cassette tape with the results.
Frequently Asked Questions
What inspired you to do this?
It started with the box, which was formerly a stash box for a meth addict. I wanted to build something that changed that transformed that narrative.
How long did it take to make it?
About a month. I built the internal synth using Mozzi on an Arduino. The fabrication took a while because I had ground and interference issues with the metal box.
How long have you been doing things like this?
4 years doing the recent tech/music fabrication. Many decades as an artist.
How much did this cost to do?
Have you done other things like this?
I have built many instruments, but this one stands out for being battery powered and having a built-in speaker.
What did you wish you knew before you started this?
Audio signals for a standard mixer input need a voltage divider if connected directly from the Arduino.
Are there plans available to make this? Do you sell this?
The Arduino sketch that drives it is up on Github.
What’s next?
I will be performing with it.
The Mozzi library for generating sound with an Arduino was indespensable.
: Artist

Art and technology projects by Joshua Curry. Glitch aesthetics, repurposed obsolete hardware, programming, humanism, empowerment.
Connect with Lucidbeaming
How I can help you:
The source code and plans are open source and available on Github.
The source code and plans are open source and available on Github.
If you like this project, please make a small donation to the artist.