Bukabog is a industrial/acousmatic/sound-art project that uses (mostly) DIY sound-bodies to explore the physicality of sound-objects, i.e. its textures, density, volume etc, and the infinite possibilities of relations among them.

For "Study on Detachment and Deprivation", a simple pontilistic harmonic line was composed from #Am and Bm chords (being #A and B the closest notes from the 60 hertz domestic power line frequency in the Americas that we hear on almost every aged household appliances) and played on different octaves on the guitar. Next, different textures from a DIY Cacophonator noise generator and effects pedals were added, ending with a rhythmic session recorded from a piece of a bass E string attached to a food-mixer a/c motor drumming a tin can.
The resulting video and soundtrack is part of the artist's current artistic research on the concept of deprivation caused both by the absence or the overload of auditory and visual stimuli.
Frequently Asked Questions
What inspired you to do this?
I was bored with traditional instruments and sounds
How long did it take to make it?
It is a never ending work in progress
How long have you been doing things like this?
6 years
How much did this cost to do?
As little as possible (just the will, the space and an understanding girlfriend to keep and gather dumpster materials)
Have you done other things like this?
yes, please check my youtube and bandcamp page:
What did you wish you knew before you started this?
Ask me again next year.
Are there plans available to make this? Do you sell this?
Not for now
What’s next?
Possible ramifications from this project
Philosophical questions on sound and silence
Guilherme S Guinski
: Maker/Composer

Maker and assembler of reused material to be used on the acousmatic/experimental project Bukabog.
Connect with Guilherme S Guinski
How I can help you:
I can't offer a lot but a different soundtrack than that same song that's been playing nonstop on coffee shops, clothes stores, drugstores, radio stations and Spotify playlists. Plus, I'm always up for collaborations with other artists/musicians.
I can't offer a lot but a different soundtrack than that same song that's been playing nonstop on coffee shops, clothes stores, drugstores, radio stations and Spotify playlists. Plus, I'm always up for collaborations with other artists/musicians.
How you can help me:
Listen, watch, like, follow, subscribe, and if possible a monetary contribution on Bandcamp is always welcome.
Listen, watch, like, follow, subscribe, and if possible a monetary contribution on Bandcamp is always welcome.