Brown Box
Brown Box is a diy synth designed for experimental music improvisation.

Side story Brown Box is a result of many modules I built before,like delay, envelopes,volt controlled filters and,most important,the desire to explore the realm of random volt controlled oscillators via shift registers and at the same time control the amount of randomness of singular tones. Inspired by the Rungler but simplifying it to my needs and adding a patchbay to create connections between oscillators and other modules,this instrument is capable of a wide range of sound pallets.Evolving drones,random or controlled notes,sequences and good or bad sound surprises in live improvisations.
Marcelo Kraiser
: Visual and Sound Artist,Maker

Visual artist, photographer, teacher, illustrator, composer, visual artist, poet, inventor of sound and visual instruments, performer.
Retired Professor at the Federal School of Fine Arts- UFMG, in drawing and photography and post graduation. PhD in Comparative Literature at FALE/UFMG with a thesis on the thought of Deleuze and Guattari and the literature of brasilian writer Clarice Lispector. Plastic artist, poet, illustrator, and videomaker. He has held 11 individual exhibitions and participated in more than 40 collective exhibitions in the visual arts. He composes soundtracks for performances and dancers and dance companys.Member of Kallp group for experimental music. Born in Brazil,1952.
Retired Professor at the Federal School of Fine Arts- UFMG, in drawing and photography and post graduation. PhD in Comparative Literature at FALE/UFMG with a thesis on the thought of Deleuze and Guattari and the literature of brasilian writer Clarice Lispector. Plastic artist, poet, illustrator, and videomaker. He has held 11 individual exhibitions and participated in more than 40 collective exhibitions in the visual arts. He composes soundtracks for performances and dancers and dance companys.Member of Kallp group for experimental music. Born in Brazil,1952.
Connect with Marcelo Kraiser