BICHA is an analog sound circuit.

: Artist, Teacher, Developer

I´m an audiovisual artist, teacher and electronic developer based in Buenos Aires. Since 2008 I run Laboratorio de Juguete (aka toylab), a divulgation space specialized in electronics and its creative, educational and artistic applications. I´m professor in the Master in Technology and Aesthetics of Electronic Arts (UNTREF), the Specialization in Sound Art (UNTREF) and in the Specialization in Theater of Objects, Interactivity and New Media (UNA). Since 2009 I´ve travelled teaching, playing and showing my electronic work through more than 30 cities across Latin America, Europe & UK
Connect with j.crowe
How you can help me:
I´m looking for a partner who would build and sell bichas in the northern hemisphere and share profits. Shipping from Argentina is way too expensive (and I don´t have many time to do it)
I´m looking for a partner who would build and sell bichas in the northern hemisphere and share profits. Shipping from Argentina is way too expensive (and I don´t have many time to do it)
If you like this project, please make a small donation to the artist.