"A table"
« A table » is a sonor interactive installation inviting us to loose our time perception by playing.
it is a hack of basic table social function to make it a multiplayer instrument.
around hundred of bouncy Balls allow us to play and compose, alone or together. Simple movements' repetition create an hypnotising vibe.
it is a hack of basic table social function to make it a multiplayer instrument.
around hundred of bouncy Balls allow us to play and compose, alone or together. Simple movements' repetition create an hypnotising vibe.

the inner of the beast is am arduino midi drumpad triggerring sound in a pureData patch on a Raspberry pi.
there is 5 touch zone on the surface and each of them controls parameters on the pure data patch.
La bricool
: Makers

La bricool is a french collectiv made by Z00keep and TCM-313. We do circuit bending whith kids durring workshops. Interactive pieces and live performances.
Connect with La bricool