New Music by Old Phones
The fun of making music with familiar sounds around us.
The fun of making music with familiar sounds around us.

Side story Two old telephones were modified to play this piece. "Minimalist telephone music using a dial phone rhythm machine and a push phone synthesizer. The sound of the dial phone's bell, which changes regularly and gradually, and the sound of the push phone, which has a feeling of floating unique to DTFM and not found in existing instruments, weave together to create a sound that evokes a sense of nostalgia.
古電話機2台を改造して演奏。 ”ダイヤルフォン・リズムマシン” と ”プッシュフォン・シンセサイザー”を 用いたミニマル・テレフォン・ミュージック。 規則的かつ徐々に移り変わるダイヤル・フォンのベルの音色と既存の楽器にないDTFM独特の浮遊感を持ったプッシュフォンの音色が、どこか懐かしさを想起させながら音を紡いでく様をご覧ください。
古電話機2台を改造して演奏。 ”ダイヤルフォン・リズムマシン” と ”プッシュフォン・シンセサイザー”を 用いたミニマル・テレフォン・ミュージック。 規則的かつ徐々に移り変わるダイヤル・フォンのベルの音色と既存の楽器にないDTFM独特の浮遊感を持ったプッシュフォンの音色が、どこか懐かしさを想起させながら音を紡いでく様をご覧ください。
Frequently Asked Questions
What inspired you to do this?
I found some nostalgic echoes in the tones of the phone and the fun of them playing a sound.
How long did it take to make it?
I don't remember.
How long have you been doing things like this?
About two years.
How much did this cost to do?
About $300.
Have you done other things like this?
Yes.plz check my page
Tsugumasa Yutani
: Maker/HardwareEngineer

・ Maker / Hardware Engineer
Lives in Shiga, Japan. Exploring new musical instrument and musical possibilities through engineering scope
Electronicos Fantasticos! Also active in Kyoto Orchest-Lab, a collaborative team of
エレクトロニコス・ファンタスティコス!の協業チーム、京都 Orchest-Labでも活動中
Lives in Shiga, Japan. Exploring new musical instrument and musical possibilities through engineering scope
Electronicos Fantasticos! Also active in Kyoto Orchest-Lab, a collaborative team of
エレクトロニコス・ファンタスティコス!の協業チーム、京都 Orchest-Labでも活動中
Connect with Tsugumasa Yutani