What inspired you to do this?
I've been inspired by handpans since 2007. I became very interested in how they work and how they are tuned in 2012 and have been pursuing that work every since. I have been in production of handpans since 2014.
How long did it take to make it?
Specifically, the Xenith concept started in 2016. I spent a year trying to develop it but was unsuccessful. I started the pursuit again in 2019 and spent 2020 successfully developing a new and unique production process and the resulting instrument, the Xenith.
How long have you been doing things like this?
Playing handpans since 2007, making them since 2013.
Have you done other things like this?
The Xenith is the fourth brand of handpans that I have produced since 2014. You can learn more about previous brandes here:
Are there plans available to make this? Do you sell this?
In 2016 I open-sourced my previous method of hydroforming. You can learn all about that here:
In 2018 and 2019 I abandoned all my tools, picked 3 hammers, and made a handpan, 100% by hand. I documented the torment for the community’s enjoyment. Much to my surprise, many have used these videos as introductory handpan making lessons.
What’s next?
With Xenith technology, the sky is the limit for handpans! New materials for our industry is one of the current very exciting areas of exploration.