What inspired you to do this?
I am originally educated a piano player but the fact that you can’t manipulate or bend the strings of a piano (the way that I dream of) eventually made me start building and modify instruments like the YAK.
How long did it take to make it?
2 month to invent. 4 hours to make.
How long have you been doing things like this?
Professionally since 2015 but I have invented and built (more or and less functional) stuff since I was a kid.
How much did this cost to do?
In materials - not much.
Have you done other things like this?
Yes you can see my different projects on www.katrineamsler.com
What did you wish you knew before you started this?
That you very quickly find it difficult to fit in a small apartment and very quickly need a larger work space :)
Are there plans available to make this? Do you sell this?
I build spring and string instruments and make sounds on demand customised especially for the projects that I work on. You are always welcome to reach out! At the moment I have a sound library out on 'Asoundeffect'. It's called V7-sonic springs and was nominated for an Indie Sound Award this year. The sound 'Kind Creature' made with the V7 won the British “Sound of the Year Award” presented by The Museum Of Sound in partnership with The New BBC Radiophonic Workshop.
What’s next?
Im working on a sound library called 'Vibrant Wire' where I continue to work with piano and cembalo wire outside their traditional frame and amplified with surface transducers in different ways.
Ikea hack
Old meccano sets
Recycled pianostrings