What inspired you to do this?
First of all, my love for music since I was little. Second, since I was little I liked taking things apart to see what was inside, to understand what each device made up. Years passed, I knew and get involved into the Circuit Bending’s world and thanks to this art form I started to be able to answer those questions that remained pending for my little self, with the extra possibility of being able to modify these devices and turn them into my musical instruments.
How long did it take to make it?
Some projects took only a day or two, others weeks to develop. The inclusion of modified devices has no end since one as an artist evolves and finds new ways of using each device.
How long have you been doing things like this?
I've been studying music since 1994, and I've been doing Circuit Bending from 2018 to the present.
How much did this cost to do?
The biggest investment is time: a lot of research time, trial/error tests, sacrificing time with family/friends to acquire more knowledge, to develop more skills.
In monetary terms, the most expensive are the components here in my country.
The electronic devices I get through donations from people who are about to throw away toys/walkmans/radios/etc due to their planned obsolescence; sometimes (especially in the pre-pandemic times) I have found interesting devices dumped on the street and take them home.
Those devices that are of special interest to me and that I can’t get on the street or through donations, I acquire them at garage or second-hand sales.
Have you done other things like this?
Yes. The first audiovisual edition of the "Mapa Sonoro Latinoamericano de Circuit Bending" (Latin American Sound Map of Circuit Bending), available on:
- YouTube [https://youtu.be/6kTK18nde_g]
- Bandcamp[https://lawcant.bandcamp.com/album/mapa-sonoro-latinoamericano-de-circuit-bending-1-edici-n-2020].
What did you wish you knew before you started this?
For some years now I have reduced my expectation to zero to avoid getting excited; the result of this is to be able to live more calmly and to be positively surprised more often, since I avoid assuming how things will be and I concentrate on obtaining as much information as possible about it in order to make them possibles.
In short, I’m happy that I didn’t know anything when I started and continued to expand my knowledge day by day.
Are there plans available to make this? Do you sell this?
There are plans to sell my creations and also exchange them with other people.
You can be one of them! Get in touch with me vía:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/laureanocantarutti
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lawcant
What’s next?
Continue sharing my project and promoting the idea that electronic devices can be redefined, "reprogrammed" to get them out of their state of obsolescence through the fun technique and philosophy of Circuit Bending.
Also, during 2020 I made an open call and managed to make the first "Latin American Sound Map of Circuit Bending", whose objective is to make the work of Latin American artists more visible to the world. It has its sound edition on Bandcamp and audiovisual on YouTube. Since last year and during this year I’m sharing it so that more people know about this art form and more important, about the artists’ works involve.
MONETARIES: At the moment I’m still my biggest monetary investor, allocating part of my salary for this project, but little by little more people are collaborating with their money through the purchase of my album in Bandcamp, through PayPal and bank transfer donations.
MATERIALS: As I mentioned earlier, I receive donations of electronic devices from people who are getting to know this project and are interested in moving it forward.
SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook’s groups about Circuit Bending, Experimental Sound Art, Crap Keys and others. Through Instagram, I also had the opportunity to get in touch with more sound artists from different parts of the world, exchange knowledge, doubts, successes and mistakes.
SPIRITUALS: All the good wishes, warm words, and interesting talks/chats are a great resource for me. Events like this one allow us to know that I’m not alone in this creative crusade, and for me it’s important to be able to participate by contributing my art/knowledge and spreading these spaces.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and enjoy the Maker Music Festival 2021!