How long did it take to make it?
About 1500 hours and counting. I keep thinking of improvements
How much did this cost to do?
About $5000.00 and counting.
How do you control the air blowing across the holes?
I use electric air valves to turn the air on and off. New air valves cost over $100 each, that was too much for my budget. I found some military surplus valves for $10 each. They turned out to be hydraulic valves built for use in jet planes. They were manufactured in the 1950's and were in their original packaging.
How much air does it take to play a note?
I use 50 pounds of air pressure to play the holes. I use a gasoline powered air compressor to supply the air.
How does a rock produce sound?
I drill holes in the rock and blow air across the holes, like blowing on a bottle. The holes very in diameter and depth to produce the different notes.
How do you play the calliope?
I don't play a keyboard, so I built the controls to use a MIDI signal from a computer. I use a program called Music Time to enter and play music. Because the calliope is MIDI controlled, I connected a MIDI keyboard up play it. I found a Bluetooth to MIDI adapter and can play the calliope with my iPhone.
How many notes does it have?
45 notes from D3 to A6 (no D#3).
How much does it weigh?
The rock weighs about 1200 pounds. The whole calliope weighs about 1500 pounds.