I´m a mexican guitarist, composer, sound artist and profesor, graduated from the Bachelor of Music of the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (Autonomous University of Baja California). My compositional work displays a wide variety of influences ranging from traditional forms of classical music, ambient music, jazz, and heavy metal, to techniques and styles such as graphic scores, improvisation, and electronics. As a sound artist, I´m interested on the production of acousmatic pieces from field recordings and on sound actions in combination with free improvisation, mainly focused on generating noise with tools such as prepared guitars, no input mixer, tape loops, circuit bent toys, effect pedals, contact mics, software synthesizers and more.
I´m part of the organizing committee of the recent "Festival de Compositores y Artistas Sonoros de Baja California" (Festival of Composers and Sound Artists of Baja California), an artistic-musical event that seeks to share the music of contemporary composers, sound artists and experimental musicians from Baja California. I´m also a member of the interdisciplinary group "Colectivo Ø", founder of the "Ensamble de Guitarras Nuova Musica" (Nuova Musica Guitar Ensemble) and was a participant in the contemporary dance group "Clica, arte escénico" (Clica, performing art).
I´m currently in constant exploration, experimentation and production of acousmatic and noise-making work, labor as proffesor at the Facultad de artes de la UABC (Faculty of Arts of UABC) in Ensenada and at the Centro Estatal de las Artes (State Center for the Arts) in Tecate.