Jonathan García Lana / Tunipanea (Belgium, 1985) lives and works as an artist and craftsman in Bilbao (Spain), where he has had his studio since 2010. With a master's degree in Contemporary, Technological and Performative Art (UPV / EHU) he combines his area of artistic interest with other technical skills related to electronics, robotics, sound, traditional craft techniques and digital manufacturing techniques. His passion stems from a fascination for the phenomenon of sound ritual with a broad, multicultural and historical perspective but with an application in contemporary artistic projects. In the search to understand the relationship between human beings and sound, he specializes in investigating the great variety of expressive tools that we have developed throughout history, in the form of gadgets and mechanisms of incredible inventiveness. He designs and builds hybrid musical instruments mixing ideas, forms and resources of both traditional and contemporary origin, a practice that he likes to consider in the area of experimental luthiery.
Most of his practical research leads to public activities in the form of events with live music, workshops and exhibitions. He also develops projects with an experimental structure, the
most important being LUTITEKA (active since 2019) with its unique program of activities and long-term development, which includes a loan system of experimental musical instruments.