The Douser is a band of spring steel 2"x.025" about 5' long clamped onto 2 counter oscillating shafts driven by a single motor. The motor is variable speed, control signals are generated in MAX MSP and ported through a PAIA MIDI to CV converter.
I began working with this idea as a collaboration with Paul Drescher Ensemble and developed a couple larger versions for their performance of "Schick Machine". This Douser was left over from that development phase.
After fixing it up with new bearings and other parts I needed to figure out how to fit it into a large suitcase. By cutting it into smaller pieces and fabricating clamps to hold it together and buying the largest suitcase I could find on Craigslist it worked just fine.
I was invited to install small sound piece in the Electric Eclectics Festival in 2011. The EE Festival takes place on a farm 2 hours north of Toronto.
EE had been donated an 18' diameter fiberglass dome from a surround movie projection system. They placed this out in a wooded area on the farm the festival takes place on and I was to instal inside it. There was no electricity out there so I used car batteries with a phase converter. Lighting was provided by some LED flash lights