What inspired you to do this?
I love the synchronization of lights and sound.
How long did it take to make it?
I've spent several years (very part time) exploring different ways to make this happen. I've tried embedding everything in the instrument, but have settled on a foot box controller.
How long have you been doing things like this?
I've been making things like this for about 10 years now.
How much did this cost to do?
Well, the electronics costs (Arduino, shield, box, LEDs ) are probably under $200. but it does take quite a bit of time to embed them in an instrument (some longer than others).
Have you done other things like this?
I've done a few public art installation projects, and my day job has involved creating new musical instruments and applications for much of my career.
What did you wish you knew before you started this?
I wish I knew how long it would take to make something actually playable!
Are there plans available to make this? Do you sell this?
I would like to make these available as custom instruments on a one-off basis. Alternatively, I might do a kick-starter campaign if I can find some helpers.
What’s next?
I plan to build 2 or 3 beta version prototype guitars and mic stands and have them given to interested players to perform and record with.
The Arduino community is great! AdaFruit and Sparkfun are two great companies that help the DIY makers with these projects.