What inspired you to do this?
It started with the box, which was formerly a stash box for a meth addict. I wanted to build something that changed that transformed that narrative.
How long did it take to make it?
About a month. I built the internal synth using Mozzi on an Arduino. The fabrication took a while because I had ground and interference issues with the metal box.
How long have you been doing things like this?
4 years doing the recent tech/music fabrication. Many decades as an artist.
How much did this cost to do?
Have you done other things like this?
I have built many instruments, but this one stands out for being battery powered and having a built-in speaker.
What did you wish you knew before you started this?
Audio signals for a standard mixer input need a voltage divider if connected directly from the Arduino.
Are there plans available to make this? Do you sell this?
The Arduino sketch that drives it is up on Github. https://github.com/lucidbeaming/Camel
What’s next?
I will be performing with it.
The Mozzi library for generating sound with an Arduino was indespensable. https://sensorium.github.io/Mozzi/