Cabeza ruidosa mirando el teléfono celular. Acción ruidosa videoperformance de osvaldo cibils. 21 de febrero de 2023. Cabeza de muñeco con sensores de luz en los ojos y animación digital de colores en teléfono celular. Cabeza realizada por Klaudysmo en 2022 para la colección de artilugios ruidosos de osvaldo cibils. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Noisy head looking at the cell phone. Noisy action videoperformance by Osvaldo Cibils. February 21, 2023. Doll head with light sensors in the eyes and digital animation of colors in cell phone. Head made by Klaudysmo in 2022 for the collection of noisy gadgets by Osvaldo Cibils.
Osvaldo Cibils
: Videoperformer
Osvaldo Cibils was born in 1961 in Uruguay. An artist in the art of shapes, in the art of knobs and in the art on clicks. His artworks are oriented to drawings, noisy actions for videoperformances and sound art pieces.