What inspired you to do this?
I always wanted to play my bass guitar but have completely unreal sounds come out. This essentially lets me play my bass and produce any sound a digital instrument can synthesize or sample. From there, needed a way to control different parameters as if I was using a traditional MIDI Controller. Since both my hands would be playing the bass, capturing gesture was an obvious alternative to knobs and buttons.
How long did it take to make it?
The first working version essentially took one semester to make. It was the final project for my masters program. Prior to that semester, I initially attempted similar applications using MaxMSP but did not like the results for a variety of reasons. I have also been tweaking, improving, and modifying it into the version you see now.
How long have you been doing things like this?
Audio programming with C++? About a year. Making, hacking, modifying, and breaking musical instruments? Since i first de-fretted and upgraded the pickups on a bass guitar when i was a teen.
How much did this cost to do?
Since it's mostly software, the only things i needed to buy was the Arduino Nano 33 IoT, a good USB cable for it, and a battery pack. Roughly £25.
Have you done other things like this?
I have made a synth plugin. I am currently working on a compressor plugin. And, I am working on another project that will convert a bass guitar into a digital bass guitar using another C++/Juce app on a Raspberry Pi with an Arduino sending data from multiple sensors to control effects directly onboard.
What did you wish you knew before you started this?
Not much. Part of the fun is figuring out and learning all the things.
Are there plans available to make this? Do you sell this?
If i can get it to reliably perform on a level that satisfies me, I would love to sell it. Until then, the source code is available here: https://github.com/RFullum/MastersProject1
What’s next?
Like i mentioned above, i'm currently working on two other projects, a compressor plugin and a Digital Bass Guitar. I have some ideas for other synthesizers i want to program. Also, i have experimented with audio-to-color analysis in the past and would like to revisit that in a more robust using real time FFT analysis and blending proportional blending of colors based on the harmonic frequencies' amplitudes.
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As well as Juce's documentation and forum https://juce.com/
and The AudioProgrammer's YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpKb02FsH4WH4X_2xhIoJ1A